Much of what has been written for couples sounds good in theory, but lacks the support of scientific research. However, there are several great resources available.
Fortunately, Dr. Scott Stanley and his colleagues have done their homework. Their program, the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP), "is one of the most comprehensive and well respected divorce-prevention/marriage enhancing programs in the world. PREP is a skills and principles-building curriculum designed to help partners say what they need to say, get to the heart of problems, and increase their connection with each other."The folks at PREP recently launched a new program: Within My Reach.
"This new research-informed program seeks to help:
- Those in viable relationships, to cultivate, protect, and stabilize their union, including reaching for their dreams of eventually being married if they desire;
- Those in damaging relationships to leave safely; and/or
- Those who desire a romantic relationship and/or marriage in the future to choose partners wisely: to decide about, rather than slide through, major relationship transitions."
NOTE: To order Dr. Stanley's book, "A Lasting Promise," or for more recommendations, be sure to visit our new online Psychology Bookstore!